
发布时间:2016-11-22 00:35:05 来源于:走四方旅游网 阅读量:2277

       入境美国纽约的外籍旅客需要填写两份表格,一份是美国海关申报表〈Custom Declaration〉,一份是I-94出入境卡〈I-94Form〉。






        I-94Arrival/Departure Record-Instructions



        This form must be completed by all person sexceptU.S.citizens,return ingresiden taliens with immigrantvisas,and Canadian Citizens visitingorintransit.



        Type or print legibly with penin ALLCAPITALLETTERS.Use English.Do not write on the back of this form.



       This form is in two parts.Please complete both the Arrival Record(Item1through13)and the Departure Record(Item14t hrough 17)。



      When all item sare completed,present this form to the U.S.Immigration and Naturalization Service Inspector.



        Item7-If you are entering the United States by land,enter LANDinthisspace.If you are entering the United States by ship,enter SEA in this space.



标签: 纽约旅游

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